2-sided rider on 10 mm coroplast
Bottom Rider:
  • This red reverse bottom rider hangs below For Sale sign 
  • Includes either 2 top grommets or 4 top & bottom grommets.


Top Rider:
  • 24" rider with vertical flutes fits 26" metal post with pegs. 
  • 30" rider with vertical flutes fits either 33" or 38" metal post with pegs. 
  • 30" rider with pegs fits wooden post. 
SizeQuantity FromQuantity ToPrice
24" x 6"11$12.99
30" x 6"11$12.99
32" x 6"11$12.99
36" x 6"11$12.99
30" x 6" with pegs11$14.99


16 Items Left
Total : $12.99
Unit Price:$12.99